About Maria

Maria is fortunate enough to have been a yoga student from a very young age. Growing up with yoga teacher for a mother, Maria often attended her mom’s classes and followed along with her home practice. Maria attributes her mom’s exceptional fitness and boundless energy to her years of practicing yoga, and is inspired to follow in her footsteps.

Yoga is for “every body”! 

In an effort to change the stereotypes that often go along with “who practices yoga” or “what a yoga body looks like”, The Yoga & Body Image Coalition has begun a new awareness raising campaign called “This is what a yogi looks like”:

The YBIC is “committed to body love by developing, promoting and supporting yoga that is accessible, body positive and reflects the full range of Continue reading

Richard Hittleman’s Yoga for Physical Fitness

***BIG NEWS: Richard Hittleman’s classic TV series “Yoga For Health” Has been released on DVD! Check it out at www.richardhittleman.com ***

Of all my Mom’s yoga books, the one I remember seeing around the house the most when I was growing up was Richard Hittleman’s Yoga for Physical Fitness. I remember the woman on the cover sitting perfectly in her lotus position with her yellow leotard. In fact my Mom had almost the exact leotard, except hers was pink.

My Mom would begin every yoga practice with that same lotus pose, whether teaching or at home. So, as a little kid growing up with a yoga teacher Mom, Continue reading

The Skeptic’s Guide to Meditation…five minutes is all you need!

Thanks to YogaDork for sharing this must see infographic. It’s the Skeptic’s Guide to Meditation and it was created by happify and ABC news anchor Tim Harris, author of 10% Happier.

It shows how just five minutes of meditation a day can have a profound positive impact Continue reading

What to do with your used yoga mat?

Like most yoga enthusiasts, you probably try and buy different mats over time. Certain mats become your favorites and eventually wear out, while others just sit around taking up valuable storage space. If you have a used yoga mat you think you’re not likely to use again, it might be time to re-purpose or recycle it.


With so many ideas and options to either donate, recycle or reuse your unwanted mat, there’s no reason to throw Continue reading

Happy World Vegetarian Day!

Hey, we know a lot of you yogis and yoginis out there are vegetarian, so we just want to wish you a Happy World Vegetarian Dayworld-vegetarian-dayWorld Vegetarian Day is the annual kick-off of Vegetarian Awareness Month.

Not a veg, but have thought about it?

If you aren’t vegetarian but are veg-curious, you and your friends could win up to $1000 just for trying: http://www.worldvegetarianday.org/ Worth a try, don’t you think?




The Yoga Bible book review

Whether or not you do yoga religiously, The Yoga Bible is a useful book to have. No, The Yoga Bible has nothing to do with religion. It’s a handy reference guide to the many yoga poses and how to perform them. The “Yoga Bible” is a bit different than Hatha Yoga Illustrated which I also recently reviewed. The Yoga Bible is more condensed and compact. Yet it’s still quite comprehensive at Continue reading

National Yoga Month offer + Aurorae coupon codes

Yoga is good for you, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services agrees!  In fact, in order to inspire a healthy lifestyle and educate the general public about the numerous benefits of yoga, in 2008 the HHS officially designated the month of September as National Yoga Month:

National Yoga Month

As part of the National Yoga Month Awareness Campaign, the National Yoga Foundation is offering a free week of yoga for you at one of 2,200 participating yoga studios in the US! Continue reading