Mandy Ingber’s Yogalosophy book review part 2

As I mentioned in part 1 of my review of Mandy Ingber’s “Yogalosophy 28 Days to the Ultimate Mind-Body Makeover”, not only is this book a complete workout guide, it also encourages a positive way of thinking and being.

In part 2 of my review, I’ll focus more on the philosophical perspectives of Ingber’s Yogalosophy. I feel that the mindfulness aspects Continue reading

Healthiest food on the planet

Whole Foods has come up with a product that is arguably the healthiest food a human can eat. And though I did qualify my claim by saying arguably, I think it would be really hard to come up with something healthier than their frozen “Leafy Greens Blend”.

healthiest food on the planet!Some people say kale is the healthiest food you can eat.  After all, it’s got a perfect score of 1000 on the ANDI scale, which means there’s nothing healthier you can eat. How can you improve on perfection? Only by Continue reading