Meditation made easy – calming the monkey mind

Often the difficulty we have in trying to meditate is when we are attempting to concentrate on not concentrating on anything at all. It’s a conundrum that leads us in circles. It can be especially frustrating when it’s our restless “monkey mind” that we are trying to relax in the first place.

lhatha-yoga_dot_com_monkey_mind-5-really-fix-blacksThankfully, sometimes in life things can be a lot simpler than we think. And meditation is one of those things.

Calming the monkey mind

As Tibetan Buddhist master Mingyur Rinpoche explains, instead of trying hard to focus on getting rid of all your mental chatter, all you have to do is to give your monkey mind one simple job…focus on breathing:

What’s equally as helpful to know is that you don’t have to be in sacred spaces or attend any special classes to meditate. You can meditate just about anytime, anywhere, for as little time as you want.

So take a breath, and relax, even for a few moments if that’s all you can spare. It can really provide some rest to your mind that it so very well needs and deserves, and in turn improve your overall happiness.

Meditation for the mind, body and wallet

Did you know that relaxation response techniques can greatly reduce health care costs? According to recent a study by Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, regular practice of yoga and meditation can reduce the need for health care services by 43%.


According to the Harvard University Gazette, “The paper’s authors noted that stress-related illnesses, such as Continue reading

Yoga and Creativity

Did you ever think to yourself: “I wish I could write, paint, act, sing, dance, garden, bake, create some specialty cuisine, etc.?” Well, the possibilities of what you can do are endless. That’s because they are there within you, but perhaps just hidden.

Yoga and Creativity

There are often many distractions or excuses for not activating your creative chakras. Yet there is no real reason for not being creative since everyone has the ability if the desire is there. However, one can often feel stuck, as if something is in the way of you “getting there”, or even just getting started.

HathaYogaLeeSalutationYoga can be a good friend to help you open up these closets of creativity. There isn’t one specific yoga exercise, or in Sanskrit “asana”, Continue reading

Yoga and Meditation may help treat IBS and IBD

Yoga and meditation score another point in the world of science and medicine!

A new pilot study conducted by the highly regarded MGH (Massachusetts General Hospital) suggests that yoga and meditation can provide relief to those suffering from gastrointestinal disorders.

lotus-position-hatha-yoga-moon-5 fixed

The results of MGH’s clinical study showed that the practice of yoga and meditation had a significant positive impact on the symptoms related to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and Continue reading

Mini Yoga Lesson with Lee – Breathing for Relaxation

Breathing. The life force of our being. How we all take for granted the beautiful rhythm of our breath. When we are hurried or under stress, we tend to hold our breath and in turn lose vital energy. Let’s take a couple of moments to focus on our breath and hopefully find ourselves a little more relaxed, refreshed and energized.

You may want to sit in a Lotus position, seated on the floor cross legged, if you are able to. Or you can choose to lie down on a blanket, towel or mat. You can even practice the following if you are seated at your desk. You may also want to consider practicing this at bedtime to help you fall calmly to sleep.


Ideally you will practice the following in a room that is comfortably warm, without any Continue reading

The Skeptic’s Guide to Meditation…five minutes is all you need!

Thanks to YogaDork for sharing this must see infographic. It’s the Skeptic’s Guide to Meditation and it was created by happify and ABC news anchor Tim Harris, author of 10% Happier.

It shows how just five minutes of meditation a day can have a profound positive impact Continue reading

Walking Meditation

Just thought I’d share this very insightful post I came across on the Daily Cup of Yoga blog. It gives five tips on using walking as a form of meditation:

It’s a great way to clear the head while at the same time getting in some physical activity. Some might not consider it pure meditation, but I find it to be quite beneficial when I just can’t seem to sit still. And I’m getting the added health benefits of a walk outdoors!