Complete Breath Standing mini-lesson with Lee

For this mini-lesson we will pay attention to The Complete Breath Standing. The room should be well ventilated and quiet. Soft, gentle music playing in the background is okay.

It is strongly advised to never practice on a full stomach. Please wait at least 90 minutes after having eaten a full meal. And always be sure to check with your physician to make sure these exercises are okay for you.

Complete Breath Standing

Let us now begin. Standing with feet together, slowly raise your arms while simultaneously inhaling and lifting your heels to stand on your toes. If you have trouble standing on your toes you may keep your heels down. Continue the inhalation, and raise your arms until your hands touch overhead. Hold to the count of five.

Hatha Yoga standing breath modifiedSlowly exhale as you lower your arms and rest on the soles of your feet. Continue a deep exhalation until your abdomen is contracted entirely. Allow yourself Continue reading

Richard Hittleman’s Yoga for Physical Fitness

***BIG NEWS: Richard Hittleman’s classic TV series “Yoga For Health” Has been released on DVD! Check it out at ***

Of all my Mom’s yoga books, the one I remember seeing around the house the most when I was growing up was Richard Hittleman’s Yoga for Physical Fitness. I remember the woman on the cover sitting perfectly in her lotus position with her yellow leotard. In fact my Mom had almost the exact leotard, except hers was pink.

My Mom would begin every yoga practice with that same lotus pose, whether teaching or at home. So, as a little kid growing up with a yoga teacher Mom, Continue reading

The Richard Hittleman yoga 28 day plan – part 2

***BIG NEWS: Richard Hittleman’s classic TV series “Yoga For Health” Has been released on DVD! Check it out at ***

In part one of my review of Richard Hittleman’s Yoga 28 Day Exercise Plan, I covered the first two weeks of the plan. I gave an overview of how the book’s daily routines are presented. For part two, I’ll go over how Hittleman ramps it up a notch. I’ll also sum up a few of his “thoughts for the day”, which are his daily discussions on the many ways Hatha Yoga can benefit the mind and body.

Richard Hittleman yoga 28 day plan - lotus position

Regarding the exercise portion of the plan, Hittleman takes it up a level for the remaining two weeks. Day 15 starts off with these words, “Today marks the beginning Continue reading

Richard Hittleman’s Yoga 28 Day Exercise Plan

***BIG NEWS: Richard Hittleman’s classic TV series “Yoga For Health” Has been released on DVD! Check it out at ***

Today I reached the halfway point of Richard Hittleman’s Yoga 28 Day Exercise Plan. 14 days down, 14 more to go. This book is from the yoga pioneer who brought Hatha Yoga to the masses via TV in the 1960s and 1970s. I’m using the original hardcover version (shown in these pictures), but a newer paperback version is also available. Richard Hittleman photo As she mentioned in her review of Richard Hittleman’s Yoga for Health, Hittleman’s televised programs were how my mom, Lee, began to practice yoga in the first place. She’s our resident expert here at, and she still refers Continue reading

Richard Hittleman’s “Yoga for Health”

***BIG NEWS: Richard Hittleman’s classic TV series “Yoga For Health” Has been released on DVD! Check it out at ***

Richard Hittleman’s “Yoga for Health” is not a new book. It is, however, tried and true. First published in 1983, “Yoga for Health” has been a reliable resource not only for beginners, but for long term practitioners as well.

Richard Hittleman - Yoga for health

Hittleman (1927 – 1991) is famous for bringing Yoga to millions of people in the 1960s and 1970s with one of the first ever Yoga television series. He brought Yoga to more people than any other living person at the time. He was indeed a pioneer.

Richard Hittleman changed my life

In fact, his TV program is how I came to discover Yoga in the first place. With four of my six children already born, and my husband in college full time, Continue reading