Yoga and Meditation may help treat IBS and IBD

Yoga and meditation score another point in the world of science and medicine!

A new pilot study conducted by the highly regarded MGH (Massachusetts General Hospital) suggests that yoga and meditation can provide relief to those suffering from gastrointestinal disorders.

lotus-position-hatha-yoga-moon-5 fixed

The results of MGH’s clinical study showed that the practice of yoga and meditation had a significant positive impact on the symptoms related to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and Continue reading

Proper Breathing, “The Breathing Book” Review

Proper breathing. Although you’re supposed to do it automatically, you don’t always. Or at least you don’t always do it properly. Most people are not even aware of their poor breathing habits. And poor breathing can take its toll.

Breathing wears many hats

Proper breathing is one of those things most people take for granted. Of course you need to breathe in order stay alive. But as if keeping you alive weren’t enough, breathing has additional critical job responsibilities.

Proper breathing

According to Dr. Mladen Golubic, a physician at the Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Integrative Medicine, breathing can have a major impact on many physical ailments and illnesses such as  Continue reading

Yoga Anatomy – 2nd Edition review

If you’d like to make the most of your physical yoga practice, it helps to know what your body is actually doing “on the inside” with each posture. Understanding how your body is anatomically reacting to each pose allows you to focus on the targeted muscles and increase the effectiveness of each move.


Yoga Anatomy (2nd Edition), a book by Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Mathews, is an incredible resource for this. In fact, if you Continue reading

Richard Hittleman’s Yoga for Physical Fitness

***BIG NEWS: Richard Hittleman’s classic TV series “Yoga For Health” Has been released on DVD! Check it out at ***

Of all my Mom’s yoga books, the one I remember seeing around the house the most when I was growing up was Richard Hittleman’s Yoga for Physical Fitness. I remember the woman on the cover sitting perfectly in her lotus position with her yellow leotard. In fact my Mom had almost the exact leotard, except hers was pink.

My Mom would begin every yoga practice with that same lotus pose, whether teaching or at home. So, as a little kid growing up with a yoga teacher Mom, Continue reading

The Yoga Bible book review

Whether or not you do yoga religiously, The Yoga Bible is a useful book to have. No, The Yoga Bible has nothing to do with religion. It’s a handy reference guide to the many yoga poses and how to perform them. The “Yoga Bible” is a bit different than Hatha Yoga Illustrated which I also recently reviewed. The Yoga Bible is more condensed and compact. Yet it’s still quite comprehensive at Continue reading

Office Yoga Poses – simple stretches for busy people

Did you know you can sneak in yoga at work with some simple office yoga poses? I was at my Mom’s place the other day and I found this smart little book she had lying around called “Office Yoga, Simple Stretches for Busy People”.  This is a book I wish I’d thought of writing myself!

“Office Yoga” is almost pocket size. It’s 4 3/4 inches by 6 1/4 inches, and 96 pages. It’s small enough to keep on your desk or in your bag, yet big enough to Continue reading

Beginner’s Guide to Yoga

Say you want to start practicing yoga but you’re concerned that you might not be able to keep up or perform the poses correctly. Well, there’s a pretty easy solution to that. Get yourself a beginner’s guide to yoga.


It can be a little intimidating trying a new yoga class, especially if you think everyone but you knows what they are doing. For the record, that’s not always Continue reading

Mandy Ingber’s Yogalosophy book review part 2

As I mentioned in part 1 of my review of Mandy Ingber’s “Yogalosophy 28 Days to the Ultimate Mind-Body Makeover”, not only is this book a complete workout guide, it also encourages a positive way of thinking and being.

In part 2 of my review, I’ll focus more on the philosophical perspectives of Ingber’s Yogalosophy. I feel that the mindfulness aspects Continue reading

Mandy Ingber’s Yogalosophy 28 Day Mind-Body Makeover

After having recently completed Richard Hittleman’s Yoga 28 day plan, I thought it would be good to compliment it with a more contemporary program. So I’m giving Mandy Ingber’s Yogalosophy 28 Day Mind-Body Makeover a try.


Like the Hittleman plan, Ingber’s program is more than just a 28 day exercise guide. It’s a way of Continue reading

The Richard Hittleman yoga 28 day plan – part 2

***BIG NEWS: Richard Hittleman’s classic TV series “Yoga For Health” Has been released on DVD! Check it out at ***

In part one of my review of Richard Hittleman’s Yoga 28 Day Exercise Plan, I covered the first two weeks of the plan. I gave an overview of how the book’s daily routines are presented. For part two, I’ll go over how Hittleman ramps it up a notch. I’ll also sum up a few of his “thoughts for the day”, which are his daily discussions on the many ways Hatha Yoga can benefit the mind and body.

Richard Hittleman yoga 28 day plan - lotus position

Regarding the exercise portion of the plan, Hittleman takes it up a level for the remaining two weeks. Day 15 starts off with these words, “Today marks the beginning Continue reading