Alternate nostril breathing – A mini lesson with Lee

Not only can yoga help relieve tension, a common trigger of headaches, but specific yogic breathing exercises can help target the head area.


What is a headache? A headache is a pain anywhere in the overall head area, often concentrated above the eyes, above or behind the ears, in the Continue reading

Reclining Pose Video for Back Tension

If you have a job that requires a lot of sitting, this stretch could be for you. LA-based yoga instructor Vytas Baskauskas demonstrates his reclining pose in this quick video to help relieve stress and tension built up from a long day.

What you’ll need is a yoga strap (or a long belt form a robe, etc), and a yoga block (or a rolled up towel). This pose can provide stretching and relief in the hip and leg muscles as well. As always, we suggest consulting with your physician before taking on any physical activity that is new to you.

Office Yoga Poses – simple stretches for busy people

Did you know you can sneak in yoga at work with some simple office yoga poses? I was at my Mom’s place the other day and I found this smart little book she had lying around called “Office Yoga, Simple Stretches for Busy People”.  This is a book I wish I’d thought of writing myself!

“Office Yoga” is almost pocket size. It’s 4 3/4 inches by 6 1/4 inches, and 96 pages. It’s small enough to keep on your desk or in your bag, yet big enough to Continue reading