Getting started with yoga

Sometimes, just getting started is the hurdle.  You might have questions such as “How long and how often should I practice yoga?”, and “What do I need to get started?”.

getting started with yoga

Getting started with yoga

The amount of time to spend practicing yoga depends on what you’d like to achieve.  But if you are a beginner, anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour every other day is a good place to start.  You’ll get the greatest benefit if you can do some every day.  However, if you only have ten minutes a few times a week, Continue reading

Aurorae Classic Yoga Mat review

When you read reviews of any mat (or just about anything for that matter), there are always people who love it, people who hate it, and many in between. Some want a mat that is not slippery, and those who don’t perspire much prefer one that’s not too sticky. Some want a lightweight mat to easily carry to and from class, and some want a mat that provides more cushion. So, just as in yoga itself, it’s really all about what you as an individual are looking for.

I recently shopped for a new yoga mat. My criteria were that it had to be environmentally friendly, biodegradable, non-toxic, not too thin, and free of any odors. I also wanted to spend under $40. I did loads and loads of online searches, read the pros and cons of the many mats out there and finally I decided on the Classic Yoga Mat from Aurorae. Continue reading

Shopping for my first yoga mat

A yoga mat is the most essential thing you need to do yoga. It’s also one of those things that you just have to have one of your own (nobody is borrowing my toothbrush!). The things I considered while shopping for my first yoga mat included thickness, length, and of course price.  Mat material is also important to me. Stickiness/slipperiness is an important consideration, especially since I tend to sweat.

shopping for my first yoga mat

Since I’m a beginner, I checked out the Gaiam Yoga For Beginners Kit.  It seems like a very good deal since it has some extras and the price is very competitive, but unfortunately I Continue reading

First time doing yoga & first yoga video review!

I just tried yoga for my first time ever!  Nothing better than being able to do something like this in the comfort and privacy of home. I did this 20 minute yoga “class” on YouTube:

Overall it was pretty fun, and seemed to go by fast.  The stretches felt really good, and the poses were just challenging enough to be interesting.  It was definitely a good introduction to yoga. The video consisted of a female model demonstrating the postures, while the instructor Continue reading

Dating back thousands of years, what is Yoga?

Yoga is Awareness.
Yoga is a path toward a healthier mind and body. It is a teacher of “letting go” of unhealthy habits. Yoga is an awareness of all the beauty that surrounds us and finds the good in all life, humans, animals and plants. It is a key to unlock our hidden creativity, opening up new avenues of unimagined talents which come to the surface from our innermost areas of mind, body and spirit. 

By seriously practicing Yoga you can find the following benefits:

Welcome to!

Since this is our first blog post ever (yay!), we guess it should serve as a mission statement.  “We” are Lee Marie, Maria, and Ayal.  We’re all into yoga, and more generally, health and nutrition.  Like most groups of people interested in these topics, we’re at various stages of learning and experience.  One thing we all share is a desire to expand our knowledge about these important topics that can make such an impact on health and happiness.

This blog is a vehicle for us to share our discoveries, from invigorating workouts to delicious recipes. We’ll share the poses, practices, gear and recipes etc that inspire us, but also the things we tried and weren’t quite what we hoped for…and why. Continue reading