Tai Chi and Hatha Yoga – Stronger Together

My dear Yoga enthusiasts, namaste. I want to briefly talk about my newly discovered attraction to Tai Chi.


Tai Chi has been practiced for centuries. But until recently, I had never studied it, even though I had been curious about it for some time. I was very interested to see if it shared any of the same benefits as Hatha Yoga, which Continue reading

10 Minute Morning Yoga – Mini Yoga Lesson with Lee

Good morning, Namaste. Before you go for that strong cup of coffee, try this brief eye opener mini yoga lesson. Afterwards you just may want to forget about the high-test and make it decaf because you no longer feel the need for the caffeine!


You can keep your pj’s on…sure, keep them on! You will want to awaken slowly, no hurrying or rushing. Allow yourself to begin your day in a more Continue reading