Hello! Our names are Lee Marie, Maria, and Ayal. Welcome to HathaYoga.com!
 | Lee Marie is Maria's mom, and our resident expert on all things yoga. Lee Marie has been practicing yoga since the 1960s. She was certified and began teaching in 1972. As the mother of six children, yoga has helped her to keep fit and energetic, not to mention sane! Lee Marie has taught in many settings, from her own private yoga studio to a modeling school to adult education classrooms. She also had an award winning Hatha Yoga instructional TV program which was syndicated and cablecast throughout New England. Lee Marie will be sharing her wisdom and experience on HathaYoga.com. |
 | Maria is fortunate enough to have been a yoga student from a very young age. Growing up with a yoga teacher for a mother, Maria often attended her mom’s classes and followed along with her home practice. She always knew her mom was onto something. Maria attributes her mom’s exceptional fitness and boundless energy to her years of practicing yoga, and is inspired to follow in her footsteps. Today Maria practices in Cambridge, MA and still goes to her mom for yoga tips and occasional one on one instruction. Maria will be blogging about her discoveries as she tries new yoga programs and accessories. |
 | Ayal has been obsessively learning about nutrition, and will make occasional posts as he discovers new information about how diet affects health. He’s also just starting to practice yoga, so he’ll be giving us the learner’s perspective on beginners’ workouts and the like. Ayal has a Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies at Cornell University, as well as a Masters Degree in Science from M.I.T. |
We encourage your input! If you have any comments or suggestions, or would like us to review any products or workouts, please feel free to comment below or contact us. You can find more about us on Google+. Thanks for visiting HathaYoga.com.
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Have been doing the 28 day workout and found it icredibly beneficial. As a bit a naturally stiff I found this book very useful since presenting the step by step things in the different movement and not touching to much on the spiritual things in Youga.I wonder how I should continue from here, is there a second book or other `good` similar books to this one?