Back to Yoga

Namaste. Back to school, back to work, back to eating healthier, back to the gym, back to yoga. So you got away from it all. But perhaps you got a little further away than you had planned. No need to worry. Every day is a new day to embrace and start fresh.


Pick it up and put it down

As with many things, sometimes the hardest part is just getting started, or in this case restarted. Often, all it takes is Continue reading

Yoga Design Lab Combo Mat review

People often ask us “what’s a good yoga mat for hot yoga?”. There are a number of options, and much of “what is good” depends on personal preferences. But the main thing you want to look for is a mat that has a good grip when wet (or you could use a yoga mat towel over an all purpose mat).

There are indeed mats that are made especially for hot yoga. We recently tried out the Combo Mat by Yoga Design Lab and it really fits the bill. Even better, Yoga Design Lab is a company that prides itself on “blending fashion-forward design elements with innovative functionality and bio-renewable consciousness.”

combo mat by yoga design lab

Yoga by design

First off, the company has definitely earned the right to have “design” in its name, as the mats themselves are quite aesthetically pleasing. These are some of the most Continue reading

Donate yoga mats for kids!

Yoga isn’t just for grown-ups you know! Kids can reap all the benefits as well. The organization Yoga Foster is helping this happen in public schools.

Yoga Foster is a non-profit organization with a mission to empower public school teachers with yoga resources to make happier and healthier classrooms.

Their goal is to provide kids quality, accessible yoga directly in the classroom, during Continue reading

Yoga and Meditation may help treat IBS and IBD

Yoga and meditation score another point in the world of science and medicine!

A new pilot study conducted by the highly regarded MGH (Massachusetts General Hospital) suggests that yoga and meditation can provide relief to those suffering from gastrointestinal disorders.

lotus-position-hatha-yoga-moon-5 fixed

The results of MGH’s clinical study showed that the practice of yoga and meditation had a significant positive impact on the symptoms related to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and Continue reading

Proper Breathing, “The Breathing Book” Review

Proper breathing. Although you’re supposed to do it automatically, you don’t always. Or at least you don’t always do it properly. Most people are not even aware of their poor breathing habits. And poor breathing can take its toll.

Breathing wears many hats

Proper breathing is one of those things most people take for granted. Of course you need to breathe in order stay alive. But as if keeping you alive weren’t enough, breathing has additional critical job responsibilities.

Proper breathing

According to Dr. Mladen Golubic, a physician at the Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Integrative Medicine, breathing can have a major impact on many physical ailments and illnesses such as  Continue reading

Yoga Anatomy – 2nd Edition review

If you’d like to make the most of your physical yoga practice, it helps to know what your body is actually doing “on the inside” with each posture. Understanding how your body is anatomically reacting to each pose allows you to focus on the targeted muscles and increase the effectiveness of each move.


Yoga Anatomy (2nd Edition), a book by Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Mathews, is an incredible resource for this. In fact, if you Continue reading

Richard Hittleman’s Yoga for Physical Fitness

***BIG NEWS: Richard Hittleman’s classic TV series “Yoga For Health” Has been released on DVD! Check it out at ***

Of all my Mom’s yoga books, the one I remember seeing around the house the most when I was growing up was Richard Hittleman’s Yoga for Physical Fitness. I remember the woman on the cover sitting perfectly in her lotus position with her yellow leotard. In fact my Mom had almost the exact leotard, except hers was pink.

My Mom would begin every yoga practice with that same lotus pose, whether teaching or at home. So, as a little kid growing up with a yoga teacher Mom, Continue reading

The Skeptic’s Guide to Meditation…five minutes is all you need!

Thanks to YogaDork for sharing this must see infographic. It’s the Skeptic’s Guide to Meditation and it was created by happify and ABC news anchor Tim Harris, author of 10% Happier.

It shows how just five minutes of meditation a day can have a profound positive impact Continue reading