Although there are many benefits to practicing yoga at a studio, I mostly practice yoga at home. I prefer it to studios or gyms for many reasons: I can practice it on my own my own schedule, I don’t have to worry about getting ready, there is no time spent on transportation to or from, no worry about parking or transportation costs, no membership or drop-in fees, I can control the climate, and I don’t have to worry about germs or other people’s body odor (sorry to be so blunt!). And if those reasons were not enough, I can decide exactly what yoga routine I’d like to do based on my needs at the time.
One yoga hybrid DVD I really like and have been practicing regularly is Yogalosophy with instructor Mandy Ingber.

Inbger is known for her A-list of celebrity clients including Jennifer Aniston, Kate Beckinsale, Jennifer Lawrence, Ricki Lake, and Brooke Shields. I’m not necessarily impressed by celebrities, but since these people have a world of resources to choose from, Continue reading →